Book Chapters - Edited & Festschrift Volumes
Sahu, Komal & Shukla, Akhandanand. (2022). Open access tools and services provided by the academic institutions libraries during COVID-19 pandemic. In Dhanavandan S. (Ed.), Ingenious Librarianship: Enriching Self-Reliance (pp. 387-397). New Delhi: Today and Tomorrow Printers and Publishers. [Full text].
Sahu, Komal & Shukla, Akhandanand. (2022). Research data management: Role of academic libraries. In Sivaraman, P. et al. (Eds.), Recent Perspectives on Technology Transfer in Library Science Education (pp. 67-72). Polur, Tamil Nadu: Vivekanandha International Book Publishers. [Full text].
Aysha Mahira, C. M. & Shukla, Akhandanand. (2022). Use of library website as a resource among the postgraduate students of Central University of Tamil Nadu. In Dhanavandan S. (Ed.), Digital Librarianship and Social Media (pp. 61-67). New Delhi: Studera Press. [Full text].
Sahu, Komal & Shukla, Akhandanand. (2022). Digital revolution and electronic resource management systems in libraries. In Dhanavandan S. (Ed.), Innovative Librarianship: Impetus to Digital Convergence (pp. 161-170). New Delhi: Today and Tomorrow Printers and Publishers. [Full text].
Kumar, Praveen & Shukla, Akhandanand. (2022). Entrepreneurship practices in India with special reference to library services. In Dhanavandan S. (Ed.), Innovative Librarianship: Accelerating Open Access (pp. 165-172). New Delhi: Today and Tomorrow Printers and Publishers. [Full text].
Shukla, Akhandanand. (2021). Scientometric mapping of Library and Information Science journals on Scopus: An assessment. In Sinha, M. K. (Ed.), Managing University and Institutional Libraries in 21st Century, Vol. 2: Metrics and Users Study (pp. 396-418). New Delhi: Shree Publishers and Distributors. [Full text].
Lalrindika, R. & Shukla, Akhandanand. (2021). Research output of School of Economics, Management and Information Science, Mizoram University: A study. In Sinha, M. K. (Ed.), Managing University and Institutional Libraries in 21st Century, Vol. 2: Metrics and Users Study (pp. 337-352). New Delhi: Shree Publishers and Distributors. [Full text].
Verma, Nitesh Kumar & Shukla, Akhandanand. (2018). Usability analysis of academic library websites: A conceptual approach. In Tripathi, A, Ansari, Mohd. Shoaib & Gupta, J. K. (Eds.), Recent Trends in Libraries in Networked Environment: Challenges and Opportunities’ for Librarianship in 21st Century (pp. 11-24). New Delhi: Ess Ess Publications. [Full text].
Shukla, Akhandanand & Sialai, S. (2018). Status of ICT infrastructure in college libraries of Aizawl City: A study. In Singh, A. K. (Eds.), Information Technology for Library and Information Services (pp. 23-43). New Delhi: Ess Ess Publications. [Full text].
Moyon, NG Thermi & Shukla, Akhandanand. (2018). Bibliometric analysis of open access LIS journal "Trends in Information Management". In Singh, A. K. (Ed.), Information Technology for Library and Information Services (pp. 1-22). New Delhi: Ess Ess Publications. [Full text].
Shukla, Akhandanand. (2018). Library and Information Science research performance of Asian region: A scientometric analysis. In Khaparde & Sonwane (Eds.), Library & Information Science Research: Perspectives and Strategies (pp. 63-74). New Delhi: Regency Publications. [Full text].
Maurya, Sanjay Kumar; Shukla, Akhandanand; & Ngurtinkhuma, R. K. (2017). Rural public library system in Mizoram. In Singh, Ch. Ibohal (Ed.), Dynamics of Rural Librarianship in Twenty-First Century [Essays in Honour of Dr. N. Giridhari Singh] (pp. 41-46). Kolkata: Levant Books. [Full text].
Verma, Nitesh Kumar & Shukla, Akhandanand. (2015). Use and impact of knowledge management in present era: An overview. In Prasad, H. N. et al. (Eds), Librarianship in 21st Century [L M P Singh Festschrift Volume] (pp. 336-352). New Delhi: Ess Ess Publication. [Full text].
Shukla, Akhandanand. (2015). Electronic resource management through Library & Information Science consortium: Managerial aspects. In Singh, Sonal et al. (Eds), New Dimensions in the Management of Information Systems: A Festschrift Volume in honor of I R Kumar (pp. 163-171). New Delhi: KBD Publications. [Full text].
Shukla, Akhandanand. (2014). Initiatives for bridging the digital divide: A review. In Parashar, V. & Wishwakarma, M. L. (Eds.), Current Trends of Libraries in ICT Era (pp. 71-79). Delhi: Research India Publications. [Full Text].
Shukla, Akhandanand & Pal, Manoj Kumar. (2014). Implications of digital rights management in libraries & information centers. In Parashar, V. & Wishwakarma, M. L. (Eds.), Current Trends of Libraries in ICT Era (pp. 109-117). Delhi: Research India Publications. [Full Text].
Shukla, Akhandanand. (2013). User's information seeking behaviour in changing context with reference to Mizoram University. In Satpathi, S. K. et al. (Eds.), Strategic Issues in Library Management (pp. 183-197). New Delhi: Avon Publications. [Full text].
Shukla, Akhandanand. (2012). Virtual communication tools: A new mode of learning through web technology. In Karisidappa, C. R. & Padhi, P. (Eds), Information Control and Management in Digital Environment: Prof. K. C. Panda Festschrift Volume (pp. 175-179). New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers. [Full text].
Shukla, Akhandanand. (2010). Future of open source library solutions. In Tripathi, Aditya et al. (Eds.), Open Source Library Solutions (pp. 259-280). New Delhi: Ess Ess Publications. [Full text].